Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum is an animated adventure-comedy based on Brad Meltzer and Chris Eliopoulous’ best-selling kids book series, Ordinary People Change the World. Follow the adventures of Xavier, Yadina, and Brad, as they travel back in time to meet famous heroes of the past and learn how to be their own heroes of the present!
Based on the 'Ordinary People Change the World' series of books by Brad Meltzer and Christopher Eliopoulos
Directed by: Cory Bobiak
Executive Producers: Brad Meltzer, Christopher Eliopoulos, Vince Commisso, Blake Tohana, Rob Welsbach, Fonda Snyder
Supervising Producers: Tanya Green
Producer: Jennifer Bradley
Art Direction: Logan McNeil
Music by: Meiro Stamm
Duration: 74 x 11 min. + Special 1 x 55 min.
Year of Production: 2019