The Kratt brothers leap into animated action in Wild Kratts, a half hour adventure comedy from the creators of the hit shows Kratt's Creatures and Zoboomafoo. In each episode, Chris and Martin Kratt travel to a different corner of the world to meet amazing new animals. Join the Wild Kratts for a laugh-out-loud comedy adventure, as Martin and Chris activate their Creature Power Suits to rescue their animal friends!
This creature filled series is co-produced with the Kratt Brothers Company for PBS KIDS.
Created by real-life brothers and zoologists Martin and Chris Kratt (Kratt’s Creature and Zaboomafoo), the show is currently in it’s fifth season and frequently holds the #1 spot in the US across all networks for kids 4-8 and kids 6-11.
Wild Kratts has been nominated for 5 Daytime Emmy® Awards, and was a Peabody Award Finalist.
The series has been translated into 21 languages and airs in over 180 countries worldwide, and has a growing network of licenses across master toy, publishing apparel, sleepwear, games and more.
Created by: Martin Kratt and Chris Kratt
Directed by: Martin Kratt, Chris Kratt, Chris Roy
Supervising Producers: Tanya Green, Cheryl Knapp
Produced by: Cheryl Knapp
Art Direction: Chris Roy
Animation Direction: Steve Blackwell, Peter Balsano, Thomas Lee
Music by: Pure West: Paul Koffman and Tim Foy
Duration: 138 x 22 min.
Year of Production: 2011