Powerbirds is a preschool animated adventure series created by two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist Stephen P. Breen, and co-created by Jennifer Monier-Williams.
The show centers on Max, an imaginative six-year-old whose love for comic books, action figures and adventure comes from his Grandpa Felix, and his beloved pet parakeets, Ace and Polly.
When Max leaves for school, Ace and Polly become Powerbirds, superhero birds who use their numerous powers to stop villains from ruining the neighborhood.
Powerbirds, premiered on Sunday, January 19th 2020 on Universal Kids.
Created by: Steve Breen
Co-created by: Jennifer Monier-Williams
Directed by: Bill Gordon, Cliodhna Lyons
Produced by: Gili Dolev, Uma Krishnamurthy
Duration: 10 x 22 min
Year of Production: 2020