Chico Bon Bon: Monkey With A Tool Belt is a preschool action-comedy based on a series of picture books by Chris Monroe. The show follows Chico Bon Bon and his team of engineers—the Fix-It Force!—who solve problems in the mechanically-challenged city of Blunderburg. There’s NO problem Chico and his team can't solve!
The first season of Chico Bon Bon: Monkey With A Tool Belt launched on Netflix on Friday, May 8th.
Developed for TV by: Bob Boyle, Michael Goldberg, Kurt Mueller, Gabe Pulliam and Sarah Mullervy
Directed by: Derm Donohoe and Darragh O'Connell
Animation Director: Gary Ronaldson
Art Director: Phil McDarby
Produced by: Geraldine Weber and Rachel Simon
CG Supervisor: Marty Sliwinski
Production Manager: Laura Allen
Character Modeller: Luigi Monaldi
Senior Editor: Paul Forde
Post Production Supervisor: Tara O'Riordan
Duration: 10 x 14 min
Year of Production: 2020