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Wrap Party #HenryHugglemonster #PeterRabbit

We celebrated the Season Two wraps of both Henry Hugglemonster and Peter Rabbit on Friday, 8th May, with a good old fashioned party at the Trinity City Hotel!

We kicked off the night with a special screening of both Henry Hugglemonster and Peter Rabbit episodes followed by speeches from the staff including Producer Erik Vignau, Director David McCamley from the Peter Rabbit team and Hugglemonster Creator Niamh Sharkey, Producer Colm Tyrrell, Director Norton Virgien and the wonderful Beth Gardiner especially over from Disney Junior!

We even had some lovely themed treats:

Check out some snaps from the night:

Anahita Tabarsi

Anahita is Brown Bag Films' Marketing Director, Digital & Social and drinks more than five coffees a day...

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