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Splash 2017 #Recap

Splash 2017, held its 13th international VFX & illustration festival in Prague this month and our Vampirina Animation Director Matteo Ceccotti was there as a guest speaker!

Matteo gave an inside peek at navigating the animation industry and how to face the highs and the (often many) lows! He discussed tips and tricks, from his own experiences, that help make animators ideal candidates for directing roles.

Here's some of his #toptips from the talk:

Focus on the task at hand, and block out distractions like the internet, YouTube and podcasts. Animation is difficult, great animation is HARD.

Always be hungry to learn and find something to learn in any task.

Listen and execute what your supervisor asks of you, even if you don't agree. If your supervisor knows that they can count on you, they'll ask you to take on more responsibility.

All that really matters is that you try your absolute best. Every day. Everything else will come from that.

Check out some more photos from Matteo's talk:

Thanks to Splash 2017 organisers for a great event!

Anahita Tabarsi

Anahita is Brown Bag Films' Marketing Director, Digital & Social and drinks more than five coffees a day...

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