"OLIVIA" is an animated television series that invites young children into the life of an adventurous, imaginative and lovable 6 ¾ year old girl, Olivia. The 3d animatied series is based on the award-winning, best-selling books written and illustrated by Ian Falconer.
In Olivia's world, everyday life is infused with dazzling make-believe. Like all young children, who blend reality with their own fantasy world, Olivia's real world happenings and fantasies are intrinsically intertwined. Although the adventures Olivia takes in her imagination are larger than life, the challenges in her day-to-day life are the same as any other child. Olivia's unique ways of dealing with these challenges provide moments of fun, education and, of course, a little drama. Olivia's close relationships with her Mother, Father, little brother Ian and baby William are at the heart of the show and her life. Olivia takes her position as the eldest child in the family very seriously.
"Olivia" was produced for Chorion and premiered on NIck Jr in 2008. A second season premiered in Fall 2010.
Directed by: Darragh O'Connell
Produced by: Gillian Higgins, Karen Ialacci
Executive Producers: Diana Manson, Kurt Mueller
Art Direction: David McCamley
Music by: Darren Hendley
Duration: 52 x 11min
Year of Production: 2007-2010