Doc McStuffins is an animated series about a six-year-old girl who heals stuffed animals and toys in her backyard clinic. Each episode follows Doc and her stuffed animal friends Stuffy, Lambie, Hallie and Chilly as they care for and nurture a toy in need.
The series highlights the importance of taking care of oneself and of others, and was developed under the consultancy of the Hollywood Health & Society division of the USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center. Doc McStuffins also showcases the hallmarks of great Disney storytelling – fantasy and wish fulfillment - and each episode features an original song.
Doc McStuffins premiered on Disney Junior on March 23, 2012 where it broke ratings records to instantly become the No1 preschool show on U.S. television.
Doc McStuffins was awarded a Peabody Award for children's programming at the 74th Annual Peabody Awards in April 2015, and has been the the recipient of the NAMIC Vision Award for Best Animation for three consecutive years.
Brown Bag Films completed production on the fifth and final season of Doc McStuffins in 2020.
Created by: Chris Nee
Directed by: Norton Virgien
Produced by: Gillian Higgins, Theresa Mayer
Executive Producers: Cathal Gaffney, Darragh O'Connell, Chris NeeArt Direction: Bronagh O'Hanlon
Animation Direction: Shane Collins
CG Supervisor: James Stacey
Head Writer: Chris NeeMusic by: Stuart Kollmorgen
Duration: 92 x 11 min
Year of Production: 2011