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Vacation Series #Sketch

Today's #sketch post is a series of drawings by Background Artist Kirsten Shiel of her holidays in Dublin and Germany!

Kirsten: My trip home to Dublin was over Christmas to be with my family. One of the head riggers here, Jessie Ilham, came with me for her first Irish Christmas, as Canada is a bit of a distnace for her to travel home. We spent the break going for walks, sketching and just unwinding a bit.

My trip to Cologne in Germany was to visit a friend who I used to work with in Manchester. He's an amazing designer and painter, so it was really inspiring just to sit and sketch in cafes with him.

I'm very new to watercolour, so I've been trying to use it more and more in my sketchbook. It also adds a bit of colour to all the pencil I use.

Anahita Tabarsi

Anahita is Brown Bag Films' Marketing Director, Digital & Social and drinks more than five coffees a day...

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