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The #RenewDocMcStuffins Twitter Trend

We've been blown away by the incredible #RenewDocMcStuffins hashtag trend that is taking over Twitter!

Last Friday, sociopolitical comedian and host of United Shades of America, W. Kamau Bell, took to twitter to urge the renewal of Doc McStuffins season and encouraged others to do so too using the hashtag #RenewDocMcStuffins.

Following that, more parents, grandparents, siblings, doctors and fans took to Twitter Saturday morning causing the #RenewDocMcStuffins to trend!

The amazing fans of Doc McStuffins are rallying to show support for the show and to urge the renewal of a 5th season! Using the hashtag #RenewDocMcStuffins, fans are sharing their stories about the importance of Doc McStuffins to them and in giving children of colour the opportunity to see themselves represented in a lead protagonist.

Click here to view the twitter feed for the trending hashtag: #RenewDocMcStuffins

You can also check our the tribute to the show that W. Kamau Bell wrote last year here: She's the Boss!

This is just INCREDIBLE to see and we are truly blown away by all the love for Doc McStuffins and can't put it any better than creator of Doc McStuffins Chris Nee:

Thanks to you all for being so incredibly awesome!

Anahita Tabarsi

Anahita is Brown Bag Films' Marketing Director, Digital & Social and drinks more than five coffees a day...

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