The Power of Doc McStuffins #WomensMediaCenter
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- Kids & Families
- Posted by Anahita Tabarsi on September 26 2014
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Check out the great article from Women's Media Center on Doc McStuffins and the Artemis Medical Society: 'The Power of Doc McStuffins'!
Dustin Harp, a professor of journalism at the University of Texas at Arlington, teaches courses about news reporting on marginalized communities. She lauds Doc McStuffins as a groundbreaker. “It's really encouraging to see [Doc McStuffins’] representation in children's programming, and it will make a difference to children growing up watching. I believe you can't be what you can't see,” Harp said. “It's also quite wonderful to see these girl characters in more than supportive character roles and doing more than waiting for their Prince Charming.”
Doc McStuffins creator Nee and her image-bending doctor partners from Artemis are aware of how real an array of gender constraints can be for many growing children. In their own ways, they are angling to upend those constraints.
Anahita Tabarsi
Anahita is Brown Bag Films' Marketing Director, Digital & Social and drinks more than five coffees a day...
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