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The Monk and the Fly #Short

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  • Posted by David Maybury on February 07 2014

A contented Monk relaxes under a shady Banyan tree on a peaceful summer's day. What could possibly go wrong?

Written and directed by Brown Bag Films' own Matthew Darragh and produced by another Brown Bagger, Sean Smith.

We asked Matthew what his favourite part of making The Monk and the Fly was:

This film was funded as part of the Irish Film Board’s Virtual Cinema scheme in 2010. It had a tiny budget, 2000 euro, which would normally be too small for such a labour intensive medium like animation.  So we had to keep it really simple. We decided to try and make the film with just one painted background and two angles for the character to reduce the drawing time. I actually think the minimalist approach really suited the story in the end, and gave it quite a unique feel. it forced us to come up with subtle ways to keep it interesting.

David Maybury

David works at Brown Bag Films and occasionally eats cake, lots and lots of cake.

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