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Making of: The Battle for Ravenwind

After the mad-cap (and award-winning) film we created with Fighting Words last year - we're back!

A new crack team of kids, working as creators, writers, designers, composers, artists, voice actors, critics and a whole lot more, have teamed up with our own Sascha Paladino, Craig Kane and Martin Kelly to create The Battle for Ravenwind: The Right to Radios.

A zany, action adventure with more twists, flashbacks and gags than you can shake a radio at, The Battle for Ravenwood is a five minute film made entirely with the kids through Fighting Words workshops.

It was great to see the comedy moments the kids came up with - and how open and wild the story that evolved was. It’s totally unpredictable and that’s what makes it wonderful. The future of storytelling in Ireland is in safe hands! – Martin Kelly

You need to see this brilliant and zany epic to believe it.

Don't believe us? Check out the Making-Of clip that we've put together - with some glimpses at the movie – and commentary from the gang who made it.

David Maybury

David works at Brown Bag Films and occasionally eats cake, lots and lots of cake.

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Brown Bag Labs is an exciting online space, brought to you by Brown Bag Films. We share great content for families as well as behind the scenes fun and tutorials from the Brown Bag Films team.