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Friends of Rosie Easter Egg Raffle in Manchester #Fundraiser

We are delighted to be joining in again this year with Friends of Rosie's annual Easter egg raffle!

Huge, handcrafted Easter eggs created and donated by master chocolatier, Slattery, an award-winning patissier and chocolatier based in Bury, are being raffled off in our Manchester studio to raise money for local children’s cancer research.

Friends of Rosie is a volunteer-led charity that provides funding for children’s cancer research to get new ideas off the ground. Without help many research projects would never get underway, meaning critical breakthroughs in childhood cancer research being left undiscovered.

Our Manchester crew will be selling raffle tickets in The Sharp Project campus every day between 1 and 2 pm until April 17th!

For more information on Friends of Rosie and to find out how you too can help, please visit You can also keep up to date with them on Twitter and Facebook!

Anahita Tabarsi

Anahita is Brown Bag Films' Marketing Director, Digital & Social and drinks more than five coffees a day...

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