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Doctor Who #SneakPeek

  • Posted by Deirdre Rudden on May 31 2014

The BBC released a 15 second series 8 Doctor Who trailer this week - it gives NOTHING away!

Doctor Who is a galloping old fashioned adventure and Capaldi shows how willing Steven Moffatt is to challenge the brand of Doctor Who but not sacrifice on true brilliant character acting.

The thematic brilliance of Doctor Who is that change is inevitable and that essence allows the viewer to accept regenerations and all that comes with it each time.

I am dying to see Capaldi and his own Doctor Who quirks!!

One fan couldn't wait until August and created a clip of his own - with stunning shots of Peter Capaldi exiting the Tardis into the rain.

I love that the Doctor will be older but if we believe what we read on line (and of course we do) Capaldi may just be the beautiful monster that gets to stand and bid adieu after one season on the shoulders of the real giant of that show, that is Mr Moffatt.

After this season will he clear the way for Mark Gatiss and possibly a new gender for Doctor Who?

But hey! Let's enjoy Peter in his glorious new role – I am hoping for a little bit Tom Baker mixed up with Christophe Eccleston (don’t judge me I'm old school).

Deirdre Rudden

Deirdre Rudden is Office Co-Ordinator at Brown Bag Films and a self-confessed Whovian.

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