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Courting in the Kitchen #Sketch

Today's #Sketch from Manchester-based Assistant Art Director Kirsten Shiel was inspired by an aul trad song!

Kirsten: One of my favourite trad songs is the Clancy Brothers' “Courting in the Kitchen”. A few weeks ago, while I was listening, this image popped into my head and I had to paint it.

I chose the moment just before all the chaos in the song:

“With me arms around her waist, she slyly hinted marriage,

to the door in dreadful haste came Captain Kelly's carriage.

She flew up off me knee, full five feet up or higher,

and over head and heels, threw me slap into the fire.”

Anahita Tabarsi

Anahita is Brown Bag Films' Marketing Director, Digital & Social and drinks more than five coffees a day...

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