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Brown Bag/9 Story Bake Sale – Recap

Earlier this week, our Brown Bag Toronto and 9 Story team put on a bake sale to raise funds for donation to the Hurricane Maria relief in Puerto Rico.

Our studio staff brought in a mouthwatering array of delicious homemade and store bought treats. There was an assortment of goodies, including cupcake ice-cream cones and banana bread, pecan bars and Timbits, and more cookies than you could count - including Mrs. Brown’s World Famous Skor Cookies.

We are thrilled to share that our bake sale efforts raised over $600 that will be donated to the Saint John’s School, Hurricane Maria Puerto Rico Relief Fund.

Thank you to everyone who pitched in and helped, whether through baking or donating! Your support is appreciated. 

*Poster design by Brown Bag Storyboard Artist, Tom Cho.

Rhya Tamasauskas

Marketing Director, Social Media and Corporate Communications

We Love Animation®

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