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The #thankyouDocMcStuffins Twitter Trend on #UpWorthy

Check out the great article on the UpWorthy website about the incredible #thankyouDocMcStuffins hashtag trend: Parents have spent hundreds of millions of dollars on Doc McStuffins toys. Here's why they're glad.

Recently Jamilah Lemieux shared photos of her daughter, who is a Doc McStuffins fan, on Twitter and encouraged others to share pictures of their kids with the hashtag #thankyouDocMcStuffins.

After retweeting a New York Times article from July 2014 that noted sales of $500 million in the preceding year and sharing a photo of her daughter with a cart full of Doc McStuffins toys, Lemieux decided to start the hashtag.

Following that, more parents have been tweeting pictures of their kids with the #thankyouDocMcStuffins and #representationmatters hashtags!

Click here to view the twitter feed for the trending hashtag: #thankyouDocMcStuffins

Just AMAZING to see! Now, sing it with us - 'You Can Be A Doctor Too!'

Anahita Tabarsi

Anahita is Brown Bag Films' Marketing Director, Digital & Social and drinks more than five coffees a day...

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