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The Story Will Be Revealed In The Movie Screening at International Children’s Film Festival #ICFF

We're delighted to announce that our short film collaboration with the kids of Fighting Words - The Story Will Be Revealed in the Movie - has been selected for screening at the 8th International Children’s Film Festival (ICFF)!

ICFF is a non-commercial, non profit-earning organization, working purely for the promotion of educational films and the art of filmmaking. The sole purpose of this festival is to promote entertaining, educative cinema among young audiences and to explore the possibilities of using the visual medium as a tool for better entertaining, educational, material, human and spiritual upliftment.

The Story Will Be Revealed in the Movie is our third short film collaboration with the children of Fighting Words. A mad-cap, crazy tale of a feud between an Octocorn and a Moustache King!

Screenings will take place from the 7th to 15th April 2016 with The Story Will Be Revealed in the Movie being screened Sunday April 10th.

For more info, please visit:

Anahita Tabarsi

Anahita is Brown Bag Films' Marketing Director, Digital & Social and drinks more than five coffees a day...

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