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New Vine Update #Vine

We're BIG fans of Vine and the creativity it has inspired in anyone and everyone!

The short-and-sweet 6-second videos range from fairly standard video captures to highly intricate, often mind-boggling feats of craftsmanshp!

But the Vine app definitely had its limits - the main one being the total dependency on the Vine app itself in creating/recording the videos, which meant that all the restrictions of the 4:3 aspect ratio Vine camera were applied. There were a few tricks to try and get around this but none that weren't time-consuming or laborious.

Now, though, Vine have updated to allow users to import videos from ANY source as long as the file can get to your iOS camera roll!

There's a new import button on the bottom left side that let's you import your videos, a wrench button that lets you access and adjust some camera tools like grid, focus lock, ghost mode (which shows you the last frame of your previous shot) and a torch feature which allows you to switch on your phone torch to capture videos in low light!

You can find out more on the Vine blog.

So you can now use the high-quality, edited videos you've always dreamed of!

Let the creativity commence!

Do you use Vine creatively? We'd love to hear from you and see what you make!

Anahita Tabarsi

Anahita is Brown Bag Films' Marketing Director, Digital & Social and drinks more than five coffees a day...

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Brown Bag Labs is an exciting online space, brought to you by Brown Bag Films. We share great content for families as well as behind the scenes fun and tutorials from the Brown Bag Films team.