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Rabbit and Deer #StaffPick

Starting off the New Year with any existential anxiety?!

It's ok - we've all been there!

Check out this clever and brilliant graduate short film Rabbit and Deer, from Writer and Director Péter Vácz, which tells the tale of a 2D reindeer who becomes obsessed with discovering the third dimension…

Rabbit and Deer are living happily and careless until their friendship is put to the test by Deer's new obsession to find the formula for the 3rd dimension. After an unexpected accident Deer finds himself in a new world, unknown to him. Separated by dimensions the two characters have to find the way back to each other.

Combining 2D and 3D stop-motion techniques to tell a truly inspiring story - this is one to rewatch!

Anahita Tabarsi

Anahita is Brown Bag Films' Marketing Director, Digital & Social and drinks more than five coffees a day...

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