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Jungle Encounter #Sketch

Today's #sketch by 2D designer Carmine Pucci is a piece created for the video game Voodoo from Brain in the Box.

Carmine: I made this artwork for the video game “Voodoo” at Brain in the Box games. Voodoo is a survival game, it takes place in a fantasy/ancient Africa, so the idea behind this concept was to explore the dangerous beauty that you can find in the game.

In the game you will find four types of environment: Savanna, Desert, Red Desert and Jungle, but they are not as we know today, they are exaggerated and intense. As a player, you walk and fight through dominant nature, wild vegetation and…dead colossus. I used the composition to create the sense of wonder that the player will feel in the savage, open world.

Anahita Tabarsi

Anahita is Brown Bag Films' Marketing Director, Digital & Social and drinks more than five coffees a day...

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