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Cardboard VR Headset #GoogleApp

  • News
  • Posted by Anahita Tabarsi on July 02 2014

Have you heard of the new smartphone Google VR Cardboard app that will allow you to create your own headset out of plain old… cardboard?

Last week at their I/O conference in San Francisco Google handed out the DIY kits, that used in conjuction with the Cardboard app, transform a smartphone into a 3D VR experience.

Google has also released instructions on how to build the headset to use with the smartphone app.

Android phones must be running Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean) or above to support Cardboard.

Click here for more information on the Cardboard app and how to build your own Cardboard app VR headset.

Will you be trying it out?

Anahita Tabarsi

Anahita is Brown Bag Films' Marketing Director, Digital & Social and drinks more than five coffees a day...

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