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ANYA #Trailer

We have another sneak peek at ANYA, the short film we are making with To Russia With Love.

After the great response to the film stills last week - we're lifting the veil a little further to show some more of the incredible world that the team has built.

It is almost a full year since To Russia With Love’s founder Debbie Deegan approached us to make a short advert to help promote the amazing work they do helping Russia’s abandoned and orphaned children. After reading about the children in her care, it soon became clear that a short advert just wouldn’t cut it. So we decided to make a full 4 minute CGI film instead. If we make a piece of entertainment, people are more likely to share it and encourage others to watch and who knows, if they like the film enough they may throw some money towards To Russia With Love to help them continue their life changing work.

It has been an ambitious project, but the crew got behind the film 100% - insanely long hours were donated for free to deliver something special. We're travelling to the orphanage to premiere the film for the kids in early April - so we won't be releasing it just yet, but wanted to give you a taste of how it will look.

We hope you enjoy it!

David Maybury

David works at Brown Bag Films and occasionally eats cake, lots and lots of cake.

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